Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ye Shufang

This Singaporean artist is quite interesting. She has used alot of food in her work. From candies to chocolate to black forest cake(mum's fav.) etc. Quite good for any F&B business for advertising if they sponsor her that is... Well, she tries to explore culture and taste/food in most of her works, and techinical stuff vs art. Well to me the line f difference between technique and art is one's ability to substantiate one's work with a concept, idea or any thing that sounds complex which will leave half of the listeners scratching their heads and the other half pretending to know what you are talking about but don't know an iota of what is sprouting out from your mouth. Oh and add to that the ephemeral and ready-made culture

Ye ShuFang
Singapore life
examining definitions of process and space in contemporary art making
-Examine culture and taste
-ephemeral and ready-made
-Chocolate painting
introduce an element of play and ‘masak-masak,
-The Black Forest Cake Project(marking significant life cycle, crosses tradition, history and cultures,

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