Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Abstract artists

Folk art-woodwork, carpentary, stonesman
Primitist carving (Gauguin and Derain)
Naturalistic (Rodin)-The Kiss
Capture the essence of things(not only surface)
Reduce subjects to simplest most generic forms (not reject)
-The Kiss
-Sleeping Muse
-oviod (cosmological flavour, metasymbolic approach to world’s reality)
-egg (creation, birth, life, death)
-the new born
-bird (upward thrust, slenderness, weighlessness, change of state/function, boundless, soaring, purity, swift, solitude, tapering, movement, sensation, transcience of human condition, )
Dev. Of abstract modern sculpture
-powerful and dramatic

Edvard Munch
-own obsessions and grief
-Sickness, misery, love and death
-convulsed and torturous art
-the scream
(brooding anguished, graphic)
-german Expressionism

Han Sai Por

-link of sculpture and space
communication from scuplpture to s, to environ, to life
-feelings and emotions
-humans apart from nature
-geametric, mathematical
-The 4th dimension
-object c (canoe, cradle, opposing forces, tension, balanced)
-meditative quality
-fluid lines
-subtle tactile nuances
-multifarious unity

Ho Ho Ying
-American Abstract Expressionist(Jackson Pollock, Sam Francis)

-Impressionistic landscape, Fauvist to express feelings and ideas
-livliness, dynamism
-Flowing lines and colour
-shadow of birds(present and unforeseen future)
-Pours, dribbles paint rotate
-calligraphic brush strokes(temperament, intellect, vigor

Jackson Pollock
-T.H.Benton(Rhythmic, and energetic)
-Native American Art (pictograms)
-Picasso (Express on shallow space, distorted, fragmented, primitive
-Mexican muralist (unorthodox material and treatment)
-Surrealism(automatism and subconscious)
-Semi-mystical ideas of theosophy
-personal feelings
-visual form embodying energies, represented through ritual, psychological and anthropology
-life cycles
-eternal change
-all over style(Big Bang)
-no centre, emphasis or boundary
-sweepong threads
-rich colour and texture
- collapse the distinction between painting and drawing
The Flame (linear strokes, vibrant flame,allover)

Bird(lifecycle, energies and forces)

Male and Female (mythic figures in plastic space)

Stenographic Figure
Cathedral (shallow space, interlocking laces of colour)

Eyes in the Heat(short, cursive, similar, character, size and density)
(embodied psychic state at that moment)
(mural-sized to inhabit viewer’s space and draw them in)
Totality of conception
Dynamic rhythm
Articulate touch
Contrast of light and darkensuous & painterly feeling for paint.

-sensous and painterly
-New form of pictorial space(into vs across, depth, backgrounds, perspective)
-play of positive and negative space

Pablo Picasso
-Cezanne (used planes, vary colour, make forms)
-African Tribal sculpture (simple elements to build obj)
-Civil war in spain Nazi bombers (2000 dead)
-(Blue period)social outcast
-Acrobats Dancers, romantic harlequins (Rose) (Serene and sensual)
-Man’s cruelty and folly
-Les damoselles D’Avigon (Not conventional beauty, violent restless, new space, Pre-Roman Iberian sculptures, angular planes, detached, African sculpture, separate surfaces slide into each other, occupied space,- a function of forms)
Monochomatic, shallow space
-abondoned traditional perspective etc.(unified, orderly) to represent reality
-construct reality,not copy (perceptual vs conceptual)
-Facetting to suggest
-minimal details for recognition
-All aspcts
-Design independent of nature

-Romantic style(Delacroix and Courbet)
-Juxtapose bright colours
-No sketches
-Bridge natural and artistic world as an interpretor
-make sense as a whole not in short snippets
-superimpose various view points
(Heavy unskillful vigor w palette knife)
-solid vs flux
-order vs flexibility
-Mt St Victorie w Gt pine(remove distractions, contours)
-Card players (no feelings, still life,central axis of bottle separates 2 players, accentuates opposition, table meeting of diaonal arms
-The Large Bathers (interwoven w back., merged unity, harmony w nature, contours and arms geometry
-Classic tradition and contemporary realism
-Modelled volumes and thrust them into space
-Minus content conc. On form and composition
-Geometric simplification & optical phenom. Through repeats
-treatment of mass space density

Piet Mondrian
- Frank Lloyd Wright (American architect)
~ Offered a liberating vision of a practically designed world.

- M.H.J. Schoenmaekers (Dutch mathematician & Theosophist)
~ Contributed
-Fauvist (bright colours)he idea o
-Van Gough’s colour
-Seurat rhythmic brushstrokesf a-war years caused him to seek harmony‘universal
-Metropolitan NY, universal values and industrialization consciousness’
~ “New Image of the World” (1915)

Art freed from subjectivity = Art that was the expression of a
unchangeable truth.

-Dusk(mood, Dutch, preoccupation with linear forms and patterns, horizontal and vertical)
-Windmill in the sun (expresses light using only primary colours)
-Pier & the Ocean
(+ &- signs like dikes out of rhythmic ocean)
-rhythm with black lines (tension, go beyond canvass)
-nyc (weaving, optimism there, sure hope of victory over tyranny)
-Lozenge pictures, metaphysical, archaic

De Stijl
-reject the visual world and pure spiritual, complex and intellectual concerns
-straight line, right angle and primary colours
-systemetic and rational
-pictorial surface
-Neo-plasticism in modern archi, interior, furniture, typography)

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