Thursday, October 4, 2007


  1. Impressionism claude monet, Auguste Rodin, Eduoard Manet
  2. Post-Impressionism Van Gough, Gauguin, Seurat, Cezanne
  3. Expressionism Edvard Munch-Der Blaue Reiter(Wassily Kandinsky) , Fauvism(Henri Matisse), Die brucke
  4. Cubism (Pablo Piccaso, Georges Braque)
  5. De Stijl(Piet Monrian)
  6. Dada(Constantin Brancusi, Marchel Duchamp)
  7. Surrealism(Magritte, Dali)
  8. Abstract Expressionism(Jackson Pollock)
  9. Pop art(Andy Warhol, Roy Lichstein)
  10. Post-modernism(Nam June Paik, Bill Viola, Damien Hirst, Gary Hill, Joseph Beuy, Lim Poh Teck, Marchel Duchamp, Montein Boonma, Da Wu )

Pop Art
-Open attitude to subj., style and technique
-Eliminated high and low art division
-popular, mass produced, cheap, sexy, gimmicky,Witty

Fluxus high art and everyday life combined, anti art

Dada = a central, mocking symbol of attack on established art movements. It led artists to re-examine traditions, rules, concepts of order, coherence, beauty that had guided the creation of art.
characterised by
- Noise Music
- Nonsense poem- Art objects produced by unorthodox means.

Realism is the depiction of subjects as they appear in everyday life, without embellishment or interpretation which, in revealing a truth, may emphasize the ugly or sordid.

Romanticism is partly a revolt against aristocratic, social, and political norms of the Enlightenment period and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature in art and literature. It stressed strong emotion as a source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotions as trepidation, horror, and the awe experienced in confronting the sublimity of untamed nature, emphasis on feeling, emotions and imagination.

Impressionist painting include visible brushstrokes, open composition, opaque glazes, emphasis on light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, the inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles.

Abstract art
is now generally understood to mean art that does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses color and form in a non-representational way

Les Fauves (French for The Wild Beasts) were early 20th century painters, experimenting with freedom of expression through color.
Die Brücke aimed to eschew the prevalent traditional academic style and find a new mode of artistic expression, which would form a bridge (hence the name) between the past and the present.[

Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement , during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1920. The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature (poetry, art manifestoes, art theory), theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti war politic through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. Dada activities included public gatherings, demonstrations, and publication of art/literary journals. Passionate coverage of art, politics, and culture filled their publications.

Surrealism[1] is a cultural movement that began in the mid-1920s, and is best known for the visual artworks and writings of the group members. The works feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur, however many Surrealist artists and writers regard their work as an expression of the philosophical movement first and foremost with the works being an artifact,

Pop Art as a legitimate art form. Pop art is one of the major art movements of the twentieth century. Characterized by themes and techniques drawn from popular mass culture, such as advertising and comic books, pop art is widely interpreted as either a reaction to the then-dominant ideas of abstract expressionism or an expansion upon them. Pop art, like pop music, aimed to employ images of popular as opposed to elitist culture in art, emphasizing the banal or kitschy elements of any given culture. Pop art at times targeted a broad audience, and often claimed to do so.

Fluxus—a name taken from a Latin word meaning "to flow"—is an international network of artists, composers and designers noted for blending different artistic media and disciplines in the 1960s.

New Media representation

Andy Warhol
-went through great Depression
-ate campbel soups daily
-Golden shoe series(shoe a reflection of each person)
-Many familiar obj
-Green Cocoa Cola bottles(mass consumerism, ubiquity and tt it knows no class)
-32 Campbell soup cans
-Marilyn Diptych(2 works hinged together)
-Triple Elvis
-Orange disaster (ques. Intake of news interspersed with entertainment & consumerism)
-Dollar Bill: art as a commodity
-Mass produced
-questioned concept:
-focused on end result not process
-Overflowed info & repitition=reduced effect
-3rd hand info/2nd
-stereotypes, machine made, impersonal
-based on ephemera
-repitition (free to accidents chance and chance torepond intuitively)
-granduer and efficiency vs dehumanizing
-engrave on our memory
-eye’s promiscuity+attracted to shocking, pretty etc.

-silk sceen

Bill Viola
-interest in religion ie dalai lama
-almost drowned when6 in NY
-Total environments tt envelope
-going forth by day
-Water and Fire are fundamental dynamism of nature impossible to represent in static form
-Awakening of body, mind (visceral, catharsis
-The crossing (carthartic, regenerative and transformative qualities)
-Universal Human experience : life,death, unfolding of consciousness
-Draws connections with diff. Cultures ie 3 fold universe
-video art
-immersive from observer-objective paradigm
Damien Hirst
-francis Bacon an influence claustrophobic horor
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
A 1000yrs(60 generations)
-More like memento mori for natural history than art
-God(medicina can help ppl cheat death, clean, minimal, dumb)
-alone yet together(100fish)
-spot painting
-Party Time ( ppl doing slow suicide. Flame is God, Ashtray grave, smoking as an microcosm.
- He Tried to Internalise Everything and The Acquired Inability to Escape(empty confined spaces, think, intellect, anxious, visceraly conscious )
- -glass=protection, therefre hoes make pl experience it
-Puts ordinary subjects, change function to frighten ppl
Defined the independence of a new generation of artists
Gary Hill
-mesh (viewer completes art work camera)
Big legs don’t cry
Remembering Paralinguay

Explore physicality of thought process and language

Joseph Beuy
Beuys viewed West Germany’s concentration on material (rebuilding economy & politics) rather than spiritual recovery(identity) as wrong
-w & e germany split
-too sanitized, wants healing
-depression (nature helped)
postitions or discomfort or pain
fat and felt(symbols life-sustaing nourishment, warmth
-Fat chair
chaotic character. chair represents a kind of human anatomy, the area of digestive & excretive warmth process, sexual organs & interesting chemical change, relating psychologically to will power. Stuhl (chair) is also the polite way of saying shit (stool), & that too is a used & mineralised material with chaotic character, reflected in the texture of the cross section of fat.”
- How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare

-Social sculpture how ppl mould and shape e world they live in
Post modernism (rendered national boundaries obsolete, encourages pluralism and diversity, intellectual and theoretical basis)
To offer society a form of moral, social & psychological therapy, but not necessarily any form of visual stimulus
-appeal to universal emotions and thus connect

Lim Poh Teck
-in Progress(commentary on society’s sense of vulnerability and in-security, incerts the role of the targets and those they confront, violence ordered and is legiamised by ideas of self defence and preservation)
-Propellar pieces(childhood)

Marcel Duchamp
Nude descending a staircase(cubist mechanics of movement
Fountain(R Mutt to provoke colleages of their supposed liberal values)
LHOOQ(SHE HAS HOT PANTS, to attack those who’ve abondonned ideals fr. Rennaissance
Bicycle wheel (both Op and Kinetic art, ability to revolve and spin
~ His answer to artistic over-production & institutionalized avant-gardism.
~ Argued that much of the avant-garde art being produced was rubbish, of less significance, in terms of formal impressiveness than everyday objects. ~ Sought to remove the common object to a different context -- art gallery so that its qualities as a form to be contemplated could be revealed.

artist -- a person who manipulates the context as a way of changing perceptions instead of a maker of objects.

First artist to turn the avant-garde weapons of confrontation & contradiction against the avant-garde itself.

* Had immense influence on Dada & Surrealism

Montien Boonma
Story from the Farm" (1989), "Thai-iahT" (1990), Pagodas series (1991), Alms series (1992), Lotus Sound (1993), The Room series (1994), and Temple of Mind or Sala of Mind (1995).
-To show the probs. in environ., modernization 2 inspire
•artist must understand his own place in relation to religious, cultural, social and economic conditions and surrounding. They are the basic elements forming his methodology and aesthetics for creating works of art

Nam June Pak
-perceived post-modern world as a synthesis between the east and west
-attracted by the metamorphosis of sght and sound
-Duchamp irony, zen Buddhism, Fluxus
-time, memory, art, music
-TV Buddha (millenia symbol of eternalty contras with the TV’s ability to make an instant frame, work on the TV’s ability to be unique as to time as it can observe and broadcast simultaneously)
-Magnet Tv(interactions with technology can reveal new experiences)
-TV clock (24 Tv, zen inspired hands of a clock, video camera like an extension of the artist eye and tv like the canvass, turned tv into a line-making device to demystify the complex tech. +ctayon
-TV CELLO(stacked to suggest shape, as string drawn across, images of cellist and area of live performance collage
-TV Garden (tv supremacy over garden
-Piano piece(tribut to John cage
Same wiring but diff. Personalities. TV a conditioner of beliefs, opinion and prejudice.
-release an image from a single screen to it being embedded within an environment tt extends both time and space
-combined aspects of pop. Culture, media, entertainment,
-TV has defined our landscape
-realized the artistic potential of video art and television
- challenge accepted notion of reality televised events
Tang Da Wu
-Tiger’s whip(plight f tigers hunted for their penis, 10, wire mesh, red symbol of virility
-map of south America,
-Just In Case(commentary on Mynmar)
-wanted to introduce others to what he has learnt
-believed tt art is to provoke thoughts and not for decoration
-explore art within social and ethnic concepts
-draw viewer into active dynamic relationship w art

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Abstract artists

Folk art-woodwork, carpentary, stonesman
Primitist carving (Gauguin and Derain)
Naturalistic (Rodin)-The Kiss
Capture the essence of things(not only surface)
Reduce subjects to simplest most generic forms (not reject)
-The Kiss
-Sleeping Muse
-oviod (cosmological flavour, metasymbolic approach to world’s reality)
-egg (creation, birth, life, death)
-the new born
-bird (upward thrust, slenderness, weighlessness, change of state/function, boundless, soaring, purity, swift, solitude, tapering, movement, sensation, transcience of human condition, )
Dev. Of abstract modern sculpture
-powerful and dramatic

Edvard Munch
-own obsessions and grief
-Sickness, misery, love and death
-convulsed and torturous art
-the scream
(brooding anguished, graphic)
-german Expressionism

Han Sai Por

-link of sculpture and space
communication from scuplpture to s, to environ, to life
-feelings and emotions
-humans apart from nature
-geametric, mathematical
-The 4th dimension
-object c (canoe, cradle, opposing forces, tension, balanced)
-meditative quality
-fluid lines
-subtle tactile nuances
-multifarious unity

Ho Ho Ying
-American Abstract Expressionist(Jackson Pollock, Sam Francis)

-Impressionistic landscape, Fauvist to express feelings and ideas
-livliness, dynamism
-Flowing lines and colour
-shadow of birds(present and unforeseen future)
-Pours, dribbles paint rotate
-calligraphic brush strokes(temperament, intellect, vigor

Jackson Pollock
-T.H.Benton(Rhythmic, and energetic)
-Native American Art (pictograms)
-Picasso (Express on shallow space, distorted, fragmented, primitive
-Mexican muralist (unorthodox material and treatment)
-Surrealism(automatism and subconscious)
-Semi-mystical ideas of theosophy
-personal feelings
-visual form embodying energies, represented through ritual, psychological and anthropology
-life cycles
-eternal change
-all over style(Big Bang)
-no centre, emphasis or boundary
-sweepong threads
-rich colour and texture
- collapse the distinction between painting and drawing
The Flame (linear strokes, vibrant flame,allover)

Bird(lifecycle, energies and forces)

Male and Female (mythic figures in plastic space)

Stenographic Figure
Cathedral (shallow space, interlocking laces of colour)

Eyes in the Heat(short, cursive, similar, character, size and density)
(embodied psychic state at that moment)
(mural-sized to inhabit viewer’s space and draw them in)
Totality of conception
Dynamic rhythm
Articulate touch
Contrast of light and darkensuous & painterly feeling for paint.

-sensous and painterly
-New form of pictorial space(into vs across, depth, backgrounds, perspective)
-play of positive and negative space

Pablo Picasso
-Cezanne (used planes, vary colour, make forms)
-African Tribal sculpture (simple elements to build obj)
-Civil war in spain Nazi bombers (2000 dead)
-(Blue period)social outcast
-Acrobats Dancers, romantic harlequins (Rose) (Serene and sensual)
-Man’s cruelty and folly
-Les damoselles D’Avigon (Not conventional beauty, violent restless, new space, Pre-Roman Iberian sculptures, angular planes, detached, African sculpture, separate surfaces slide into each other, occupied space,- a function of forms)
Monochomatic, shallow space
-abondoned traditional perspective etc.(unified, orderly) to represent reality
-construct reality,not copy (perceptual vs conceptual)
-Facetting to suggest
-minimal details for recognition
-All aspcts
-Design independent of nature

-Romantic style(Delacroix and Courbet)
-Juxtapose bright colours
-No sketches
-Bridge natural and artistic world as an interpretor
-make sense as a whole not in short snippets
-superimpose various view points
(Heavy unskillful vigor w palette knife)
-solid vs flux
-order vs flexibility
-Mt St Victorie w Gt pine(remove distractions, contours)
-Card players (no feelings, still life,central axis of bottle separates 2 players, accentuates opposition, table meeting of diaonal arms
-The Large Bathers (interwoven w back., merged unity, harmony w nature, contours and arms geometry
-Classic tradition and contemporary realism
-Modelled volumes and thrust them into space
-Minus content conc. On form and composition
-Geometric simplification & optical phenom. Through repeats
-treatment of mass space density

Piet Mondrian
- Frank Lloyd Wright (American architect)
~ Offered a liberating vision of a practically designed world.

- M.H.J. Schoenmaekers (Dutch mathematician & Theosophist)
~ Contributed
-Fauvist (bright colours)he idea o
-Van Gough’s colour
-Seurat rhythmic brushstrokesf a-war years caused him to seek harmony‘universal
-Metropolitan NY, universal values and industrialization consciousness’
~ “New Image of the World” (1915)

Art freed from subjectivity = Art that was the expression of a
unchangeable truth.

-Dusk(mood, Dutch, preoccupation with linear forms and patterns, horizontal and vertical)
-Windmill in the sun (expresses light using only primary colours)
-Pier & the Ocean
(+ &- signs like dikes out of rhythmic ocean)
-rhythm with black lines (tension, go beyond canvass)
-nyc (weaving, optimism there, sure hope of victory over tyranny)
-Lozenge pictures, metaphysical, archaic

De Stijl
-reject the visual world and pure spiritual, complex and intellectual concerns
-straight line, right angle and primary colours
-systemetic and rational
-pictorial surface
-Neo-plasticism in modern archi, interior, furniture, typography)

Ye Shufang

This Singaporean artist is quite interesting. She has used alot of food in her work. From candies to chocolate to black forest cake(mum's fav.) etc. Quite good for any F&B business for advertising if they sponsor her that is... Well, she tries to explore culture and taste/food in most of her works, and techinical stuff vs art. Well to me the line f difference between technique and art is one's ability to substantiate one's work with a concept, idea or any thing that sounds complex which will leave half of the listeners scratching their heads and the other half pretending to know what you are talking about but don't know an iota of what is sprouting out from your mouth. Oh and add to that the ephemeral and ready-made culture

Ye ShuFang
Singapore life
examining definitions of process and space in contemporary art making
-Examine culture and taste
-ephemeral and ready-made
-Chocolate painting
introduce an element of play and ‘masak-masak,
-The Black Forest Cake Project(marking significant life cycle, crosses tradition, history and cultures,

Williem De Kooning

Okay, here's a another painter who is an abstract Cubist cum action painter. Just like dear guy Jackson Pollock (who goes around andsplashes paint on his canvass), he paints stuff, wipes or rubs them off or scraps them off and repaint them again. Talk about fickle mindedness... Oh and he seems totally anti-feminist by how he paints women to be savage beasts and an aggressive one at that. Can just feel her hissing at you. It is said to be "celebrating " women as agents of destruction. Oh well... he died of Alzheimer's after that.

Williem De Kooning

-Picasso’s Guernica
- Dense, compressed forms -- at times abstract in appearance.
- Free, direct & vigorous brushwork.
- Suggested impulsiveness & spontaneity.
- Powerful use of painterly figures.

-SeATED figure
-Pink Angels ( response to th killings of 1945 war)(all-over, high pitched, painterly, chaotic, blend together, ambiguous
-Excavation( emptying anatomical volume, with much centers of action, cutapart, transposed, intermixed,flat angular)

Traditional figure paintings and modern inventions
-bridging action painting and cubism

Piet Mondrian

Neo-plasticism: The belief that artists shouldn't express the perceivable in nature or environment, But that pure art exist when absolutes are expressed. Mainly horizontal and Vertical lines, primary colours, all in flat planes with shallow space (unless you count the reds and striking hues which sort of jumps out at you)

And this is SUPPOSE to express order of the Universe and human condition. As opposites (horizontal and vertical lines) neutralises and annihilates each other to make it a constant equilibrium.

Piet Mondrian
- Frank Lloyd Wright (American architect)
~ Offered a liberating vision of a practically designed world.
- M.H.J. Schoenmaekers (Dutch mathematician & Theosophist)
-Fauvist (bright colours)
-Van Gough’s colour
-Seurat rhythmic brushstrokes-war years caused him to seek harmony‘universal
-Metropolitan NY, universal values and industrialization consciousness’
~ “New Image of the World” (1915)

Art freed from subjectivity = Art that was the expression of the universal
unchangeable truth.

-Dusk(mood, Dutch, preoccupation with linear forms and patterns, horizontal and vertical)
-Windmill in the sun (expresses light using only primary colours)
-Pier & the Ocean
(+ &- signs like dikes out of rhythmic ocean)
-rhythm with black lines (tension, go beyond canvass)
-nyc (weaving, optimism there, sure hope of victory over tyranny)
-Lozenge pictures, metaphysical, archaic

De Stijl
-reject the visual world and pure spiritual, complex and intellectual concerns
-straight line, right angle and primary colours
-systemetic and rational
-pictorial surface
-Neo-plasticism in modern archi, interior, furniture, typography)